Saturday, September 01, 2007

A Little Rain

Finally, finally, finally we had a little rain today. Nothing much to write home about, but enough to "lay down the dust" as we say here in the south and to cool the temps slightly. Those of you who are living in this part of the country knows how miserable it has been for weeks on end. The drought and heat are costing millions of dollars in damages to farmers and nursery owners. Water is being trucked in to fill farmers' ponds, by the local volunteer fire departments, so the cattle can have some water. Schools are letting out early and curtailing sports practices until later in the day just so kids do not have to be outside. I pity the construction guys making a living in this heat. Someone said the other day that "being in the heat was like walking in slow motion through hot mud." I couldn't agree more.

Hopefully the weather is starting to cool down to more predictable temps and allow us to plant some new perennials and replace some herbs lost this summer. Hardy perennials such as rosemary, sage, chive, lavender, echinacea, and thymes can all be planted in the fall. Doing this ensures the plants get several months of cool to spread out their roots before the heat of summer comes back around again.

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