Friday, November 28, 2008

Settling in for a long winter's nap

Thanksgiving Day has come and gone. It has been a plentiful year in our local world (that's another entry) with the end of harvest season meal highlighting much of our labor from the summer and early fall. In the weeks ahead the farm will eating much that has been put by thanks to the gardens and the farmers market. It will soon be time to plan next year's gardens, sowing seeds for early lettuces and other early spring crops. Time really does move fast but we can always plan for what needs to come next.

The kids and I are back in the greenhouses today wearing off all the turkey and pies we consumed yesterday. Smokey, the farm's mouser, thought the empty heat mats were an appropriate place to take a nap. She loves coming in the greenhouse and settling down for an hour or so while someone is in there with her. And no, for those of you thinking this out loud, we have never accidently locked her in. She always comes when we call since she doesn't like getting dripped on when the condensation beads up on the greenhouse interior in the late afternoon.

There is still plant material that must be potted up for next spring sales. Not as much as a month ago but still enough to ensure someone is working with the dirt for at least another week or so. It goes fast when the kids help. They aren't the most enthusiastic of workers at times, but they can fill cups quicker than anyone I know. I think a little pocket change is a good motivator in times like this. The goal is to get at least 5 plug trays finished which works out to about sixteen or so trays of four inch cups. That's a couple hundred cups so a good day's work. Now to figure out where the trays will go. The greenhouses are filling up quickly.